Stars And Sabers News Pedro Iniguez
Author Pedro Iniguez
Stars and Sabers

Anthology Contributor: Pedro Iniguez

Jendia Gammon
Stars And Sabers News Pedro Iniguez
Author Pedro Iniguez
Stars and Sabers

Anthology Contributor: Pedro Iniguez

Jendia Gammon

We are pleased to feature Rhysling Award finalist and Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize-nominated author Pedro Iniguez, who is part of our cross-genre anthology, Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers, and whose SFF collection, Echoes and Embers, we are publishing as well!

Pedro Iniguez is a horror and science-fiction writer from Los Angeles, California. His work has appeared in Nightmare MagazineNever Wake: An Anthology of Dream HorrorShadows Over Main Street Volume 3, and Qualia Nous Vol. 2, among others.

Read Pedro’s latest books, including the SF poetry collection Mexicans on the Moon: Speculative Poetry from a Possible Future, out now from Space Cowboy Books. His horror fiction collection, Fever Dreams of a Parasite, is slated for a 2025 release from publisher Raw Dog Screaming Press.

And of course, Pedro’s Echoes and Embers: Speculative Stories is the first solo author work we acquired! Read more about Echoes and Embers in the publishing announcement here on our site.

We love Pedro’s short story in Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers, titled “Cruel Machinations.” And we can’t wait for readers to join his literary worlds in our 2025 books!

Read more about Pedro Iniguez on his website. Follow him on Instagram, Threads, Twitter/X, and Bluesky.

Our anthology features tremendous authors across the spectrum of speculative fiction. Help us with our crowdfunding efforts to launch Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers via Ko-fi (ongoing). We appreciate your support.